Control Volume Reciprocating Pumps (API 675)
business segments

Metering & Dosing Pumps (API 675)
The company’s main activity during its early years was centered around an engineering workshop and its annexed cast iron foundry and aimed at satisfying the increasing demands of the rapidly expanding Lombardy industry at the start of the century. During the following years, the company added the construction of machines to its production.
During the 1980’s, OMG initiated the introduction of a formalised quality system, with the first complete quality system being adopted in 1992. In the spring of 1996, OMG quality system was certified as conforming to ISO 9001.
Unlike other pump manufacturers, OMG has chosen to retain all design and construction activities in its property maintaining a higher level of quality control and greater manufacturing flexibility. This enables OMG to develop customized tailor made applications meeting all specific dosing requirements.
API 675 Positive Displacement Pumps
- Metering Pumps
- Dosing Pumps
- Chemical Injection Skids/Package